Saturday, 28 March 2009

My gosh. I've only just stumbled upon my last posts, and well....... PLEASE ignore them. They are truly cringe-worthy and I take absolutely no responsibility for writing them, i was obviously delusional.

Moving on.....

At the moment I'm sitting at home, on the sofa pondering the wonderment that is my pitifully tragic life, after dislocating my shoulder and fracturing my shoulder bone....unfortunate or what?!

It was my own fault though, as usual i got bored and attempted to amuse myself and my friends, and ended up injured. However, this time is actually quite bad, and resulted in 5 hours of x-rays and being tugged around by Queens hospital's resident Dr Jekyll....wasn't too impressed, but it got the job done.

I must be going now, things to do, tea to make etc.... although the most random things like typing, and making sandwiches are like brain surgery blind-folded now.... anyway, must be off.

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